50 is the New Mommy Blog

Baby Steps to Big Leagues: Networking Tips for Professional New Moms
Being a new mom need not mean the sidelining of your professional growth. By adopting these strategic networking tips, such as creating your own networking event with digital invitations, new mothers can sustain their professional networks even while tackling the challenges of motherhood. A balanced approach to networking and parenting can lead to not only personal and career advancement, but also a richer, more fulfilling journey of motherhood. Networking, in this context, becomes a powerful tool that ensures the seamless integration of the roles of a professional and a mother.

The Best Game Plan for a Kid-Friendly Relocation
We are so fortunate to have another guest article written by Josh Moore of Diaper Dads. Tis the season for moving and relocations. Below are Josh's tips to make your next move with your family as kid-friendly as it can be! The Best Game Plan for a Kid-Friendly...

Hospital Bag Essentials for First Time Parents
Welcoming a new life into the world is sure to be one of the most unforgettable experiences, which can only be made better if you have all you need to capture and remember all those sweet once-in-a-lifetime moments. Use these helpful tips to create your “go bag” so that you’ll be ready to enjoy the next step in your journey into motherhood.

Family Heirloom Updated with Chalk Paint!
I love to re-use, re-purpose, and re-do furniture! I’ve never painted a piece with Chalk paint before. I wanted to, but I thought it would take a lot to time that I just don’t have right now. I was pleasantly surprised when a close friend visited and said we could do it during nap time!

How to House Hack to Cover your Mortgage and More!
House Hacking, to cover your mortgage and more? What does that even mean? In this article, I’m going to explain what that means to my family and how we’ve been able to house hack our way to income that covers our mortgage+ more in our primary residence.