Today was my first lining check. When I was at the office, everything looked “good” but this afternoon I got a message from my fertility nurse, saying that my lining wasn’t where they wanted it to be. They wanted it to be >6 mm triple and mine was 5.1 mm triple. I was super disappointed by this news, almost to the point of tears. Then I looked at the bright side and thought, “At least I got the triple part right!” ?
This entire process has been super emotional for me. The hormones, of course, make me even more emotional. I’m an emotional person normally, so imagine how much more emotional I am now that my hormone levels are super high. Getting this news made me think the worst. Things like “Why are we doing this?” and “Maybe it’s not meant to be”, “Maybe I am too Old” all crept into my mind. I know this isn’t true and it’s just my ego or who I like to refer to as “Irma”. Please don’t take offense to me naming my ego, but my “Irma” isn’t nice. In fact, she’s downright mean and nasty. She’s my worst critic. She tells me all the time why I can’t have this incredible dream and why it will never happen. I have to silence her at every turn! I’ve been able to turn her volume down pretty low for now. I’m hoping for a better outcome at the next visit so that I prove Irma so wrong! Until then, keep it down Irma!
Starting tonight I’m adding another pill to my nightly fertility regime. So as of today, 6/20/18 I’m on 1 shot of leuprolide (.5) in my belly daily, 1 estradiol patch daily until 6/22 where that will increase every couple of days to 2, 3 and then 4 daily and now I’m adding 1 tablet of 2 mg’s Estrace/estradiol by mouth daily. My next lining check is scheduled for a week from today, 6/26/18. More about my next lining check after the 2nd lining check appointment. I’m hoping for a better report then!