Our twins are already 3 months old. The past three months have been a whirlwind and have flown by. I apologize for not posting about them sooner. If you’d like to get more info about them you can follow me on Instagram or Facebook. I have been posting more on those platforms. They are easy and quick to post from my phone.
The twins were born via Cesarean Section on Monday, 2/11/19 at 4:34 pm and 4:36 pm. Gifford David was born first and weighed 3 lbs, 13 oz’s and was 19 inches long. George Robert was born two minutes later weighing in at 4 pounds even and measuring 19 3/4 inches long. They were delivered at 34 weeks and 1 day. Making them 6 weeks premature. Being Preemies, they required about a 3 week stay in the NICU.
I was heavily medicated and don’t remember much about their birth. In fact, even though I was taken to the NICU after my recovery time, I don’t remember seeing them. I was on Magnesium Sulfate (due to my Preeclampsia diagnosis which caused our early delivery) to prevent seizures (mine). Mag is a beneficial drug to treat Preeclampsia but it’s a horrible drug for any pregnant woman to have to be on. It makes you foggy headed and not all there in your mind. It also affects your body in crazy ways, making a catheter necessary among other things. If you are interested in learning more about Preeclampsia, check out this video that is posted on WebMD.
Over the past three months, both Giff and George have been thriving. They are growing and developing great. They are currently only about a month behind due to being preemies, which is amazing. We haven’t been sleeping all that much, but we are having so much fun with our beautiful boys. I am in the process of figuring out this whole Mommy thing and do plan to blog much more about milestones, getting their nursery set up finally, struggles I have personally been having, the uniqueness of having twins and what that entails, and so much more. I want to thank you for following along and hope you will continue to follow along as the twins grow and we evolve as a family!