Last week, we had our 16 week prenatal check up. We had another ultrasound. We didn’t get any photos this time, but we did hear the twins heart beats and saw them moving like crazy. I love when I see them moving. They were kicking their feet and waving their hands. My exhaustion level has been at an all time high the last month or so. More than during my first trimester. Due to this, my doctor had me do a one hour fasting sugar glucose blood test. The results came back with elevated numbers so now, next week I am going to do the 3 hour fasting blood glucose test. They want to test to see if I have Gestational Diabetes. If I have GD, that explains my increased exhaustion and I will be monitored even closer than I am now. My diet and exercise plan will be even more important than before.
At first, I was extremely stressed out about this possible diagnosis, but then I read up on it and after reading about it, I feel much better and am relieved to know that it can be controlled now and further into my pregnancy. There is an increased risk of developing Preeclampsia when you have GD, but I already have that increased risk, so we will deal with that should it arise later in my pregnancy. Other than being exhausted and it’s very common for pregnant women to have Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy. They usually go back to normal after delivery and from what I’ve read, breastfeeding can actually help combat the risk of future type 2 diabetes. I am planning on breastfeeding for as long as I can, depending on my body and the twins desire to breastfeed. I’m hoping they take to it and my body produces enough milk for both of them.
Both boys are growing and moving like crazy. They both have really strong heart beats and are measuring about 4 inches in length. By our next visit, the 20 week prenatal appointment, they should each be about 5 inches in length. That’s 10 inches of baby! Isn’t that just absolutely amazing?! Right now, they are side by side and I haven’t felt them move yet. I’ve felt some things, but not actual kicks or too much movement. I’m looking forward to feeling them move. The only thing I really feel at this time is how uncomfortable I am when I lay on my left side. I’m thinking whichever baby is on that side, doesn’t like it when I roll onto my left side. 🙂
It’s getting very real. My belly is getting bigger. I actually look pregnant now and my clothes are getting super tight. I think it’s time to go maternity clothes shopping! If you have any great maternity shops or deals that you wouldn’t mind sharing with me, please post them in the comments below.
I would just buy bigger sized leggings!! They are so comfy and stylish. I am not pregnant, but my big ones would probably fit you!!! hahaha. Big shirts, sweats……
I will buy some bigger leggings, especially since it’s boot season, but I also need some work type pants. I’ll find some stuff. I’m looking forward to going shopping!
Wow, you already have 8 inches of baby! And, what a fun excuse to go shopping.
Let’s make a plan to go shopping together!
I am so excited for you! When you feel them really moving it’s awesome! I didn’t do well with my first pregnancy because I worked so hard to stay skinny and I saw all of these things happening to my body that depressed me. I was young and stupid! When my second came along 12 years later I tried to enjoy every minute! I can’t wait for you to go through the good the bad and the ugly! The first sound, walk and tooth! Then the first time they show their independence and u feel like they don’t need you anymore, that’s the ugly lol. Love you and take care of yourself!!
Thanks Tracey! I can’t wait for all of the firsts! XO!